[Plugin] RopeMaster: Create Ropes Fast

Hey. Drawing ropes is Roblox is a pain. I wrote a plugin that makes creating ropes a lot easier. Introducing… RopeMaster!


Here’s a demo of what it can do:

Here’s a demo of what it looks like to customize rope:

This plugin is still in development. Expect new features to come, in (roughly) this order:

  • Customizable ornaments (e.g. Christmas Lights, Bunting Flags)
  • Chains (this includes the xmas garlands) with customizable segments.
  • Ability to save your presets.
  • Ability to edit the properties of a rope that was already placed.

Woah, that is very cool! Next you should do chairs. :open_mouth:


… chairs? I’m guessing that’s a typo of “chain”, lol.

Yeah, that’s the plan after adding ornaments.


Ah, yes thanks! I’ve been in a rush with typing etc. :laughing:


Wow. I’m impressed with the customizability of the various ropes and how easy it is to use. I’m sure I’ll find this on the plugin front page soon :slight_smile: (Though with the functionality of the catalog search, who knows.) Job well done. :+1:


Oh wow this is actually super cool.

Are we able to change the decals that are on the rope Such as how you have it on the police tape?

Yeah, you can change the texture on the police tape. For reference, this is the texture I used:


You can edit a builtin preset by by cloning it (it’s the button on the top-right).


Upload your new texture and put it in the Custom Texture field.



Are we able to change the default texture that is on the brown ropes aswell? Right now I see there’s a ton of lines on the rope. Wondering if we can change it

I’m loving the plugin! I have a few comments/suggestions.

  1. When the catenaries are long, you can see where the curvature abruptly changes. Notice how the catenary below appears to go from completely straight to curved.

    Try spacing the points equidistant? Or space them based on curvature? i.e. greater curvature = more points, less curvature = less points. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  2. Add a slider for part count. If the above problem can’t be improved mathematically, the developer could choose to simply add more parts.

  3. Add a special case for loops applied to balls.


Yeah I’m already aware of those problems.


XAXA back at it again with another fantastic plugin. I love it!

Are there any plans for a vine preset?
I’m thinking of something similar to this:
Or will it be able to be custom made? I think a similar mechanic to bunting flags could be used, except we could put a texture in place of the flags.


It’d be really cool if you could click on a rope in loop/circle mode to have it automatically aligned to the rope on the pole/whatever. This would help with cases like the end of the first video where the loops aren’t aligned with the police tape.


You can replace the textures with whatever you want.

Here’s the default rope texture, for reference:



Will definetly use it!
I really like that you can upload your own textures!
Liked and bookmarked! :bookmark:


Woaaaahhhhh! That is awesome! Will definitely use this when I need ropes.
Going to mess around with this in a few days when I’ve got time.
Looks sweet dude, and the UI for the plugin is just uhh, gorgeous. Well done.

Looking forward to the chains. :slight_smile:

Very nice. I’m definitely gonna use this plugin. :slight_smile:

This looks awesome!! I’m definitely going to try this out in my next building. I love the feature that lets you wrap the rope around parts - that’s super creative and really useful!!

This sounds great! No more will I have to take away hours of my time! I like it!

Just a small update. I cleaned up a bunch of technical debt from rushing to release this in a working state. I also made a few UX improvements:

  • The “Clone Preset” button is now where noobs would expect it to be. I got a few people asking me how to edit presets, this should make it a bit more clear.


  • The Clone and Delete buttons that were beside each preset entry went away. Now, you can instead just right-click the entry and this will bring up a context menu. This allows more of the rope to be shown in the preview.


  • Deleting a preset now brings up a snazzy-looking modal. This is necessary since there are now two ways to delete a preset (through the right-click context menu and through the preset settings section.)


I’m now working towards implementing chains instead of the original plan where I implement ornaments next. I figured that this would be a lot easier to do, plus there’s a bigger need for chains.


That looks really good! It is perfect for one of my builds. Great job on this plugin and good luck developing it in the future

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