Ok so i’m trying to make a rope swing system in a 2d game so when you jump to a rope then you can grab and swing from it and jump similar to this. https://gyazo.com/c2c1f45249a3509c6d3c81fbeb83da8a
My question is, is this possible and how would i do it?
Any help would be nice thank you!
Edit- Also how would i be able to make it only swing 2d so not x y z only x and y
You can make ropes using the Model tab and clicking this dropdown arrow.
Then, choose Rope.
After that, add two parts. Then, Go back to the model tab and click this.
Then click on one of those parts, and then the other. The result should look something like this.
Now, anchor the upper part, and leave the bottom part unanchored.
For more info about ropes, here’s a useful Roblox article. Info About Rope Constraints
I have this already but really what i’m trying to do is allow the player to when they touch it, it will kinda weld them to the block and then they will have to swing and jump to the other side like in this video