Switching Themes Changes the Size of Interfaces and other Visual Aspects

Hi there, my name is Juan. While playing around with the configurations of my profile, I noticed that the themes do not follow the text sizes if I change the themes while having the text size set to ‘huge’. Additionally, I observed that the themes have a different visual aspect after making these changes.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Launch DiscourseHub and navigate to the Roblox Developer Forum.
  2. Click on your profile picture and go to the section regarding your profile.
  3. Click on “Preferences”.
  4. In the “Preferences” menu, select “Account” to “Interface”.
  5. Choose the “Theme” option and select “Roblox Dark”. Set the “Text Size” to “Largest” and save the changes.
  6. Change the theme from “Roblox Dark” to any available theme such as “Grey Amber”.
  7. Save the changes and compare the results.

Expected Behavior

I expected that while changing the themes, they would still follow the text size that the user defined within the preferences page.

Actual Behavior

In the actual behavior, changing from “Roblox Dark” to any theme doesn’t maintain text size.

It’s important to note that the themes have misalignments and different font sizes, such as Regular, Medium, Bold, etc.


There are no workarounds.

Issue Area: Developer Forum
Page URL: https://devforum.roblox.com
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Consistent
Date First Experienced: 2024-12-02 20:00:00 (UTC-3)
Date Last Experienced: Currently Date

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