Sword Fights On The Heights Inspired Map

:arrow_right:One of my most favourite games on this site - Sword Fight on the Heights hasn’t been the same in the past 2-3 years. I been playing it for a good time now and I thought why not make a map heavily inspired by the historic map. :crossed_swords:

:arrow_right: In the SFOTH edition, the map is studded and has a combinative colour scheme of orangish-red and brown scheme. However it fully contrasts here , as most of the map is outlined by a thick black line (SelectionBox) with just one common colour of white. I also used DeathPlates from the original map onto here. :world_map:

:arrow_right:Take a look and give me any feedback (Pros / Cons) - What would personally like to see in this map? Is it finished? - Answer to that is no, there is lot more I can definitely add


First of all, what type of swords are they? Since certain sword fighting styles work better on different maps. For example, babylonic’s “Meadows”, works well with float, non-float and even animated (like those in TNI)'s swords and though “Canyon” (map builder cannot be identified) still works fine with float and non-float swords, that can’t be said with the animated ones.

Though judging from the variety of vantage points, a map like this would likely use float swords, like those found on Shedletsky’s SFOTH. If you’re going for a large map like this, there should be plenty of areas where players can take advantage of the map. Again, using babylonic’s “Meadows” as an example, there’s vantage points where if a player tries to climb up it, you can jump down and swiftly get an easy kill, striking them as you’re falling. Other than that, if you are aiming for something like Shedletsky’s SFOTH, then you probably are going to want to make your map interactive (as I can already see hints of e.g. teleporters and disappearing/re-appearing blocks). The only things I would recommend is slanted edges - places where you can climb up but other players will be forced to climb up as well to get you, and (still using babylonic’s “Meadows”) you can jump down and maybe do a cool spin and kill them. Also, be sure to use the fact that most experienced sword fighters will use shift lock.