yoyoyo i have a script that puts a sword into the player’s backpack, it works (the sword clones to the player’s backpack) but ingame i can not see it in the hotbar
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
local Player = Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)
if Player then
if Player.UserId == Config.OwnerId.Value and Config.OwnerCanCollect.Value == true then
local Sword = SS.Sword:Clone()
Sword.Parent = Player.Backpack
PickUpItem(Sword.Handle.Config, script.Parent.Config)
yes it prints cloned also i dont see why you would need to see the function all it does is set some stuff up in the sword’s config, should still work fine without it
ill try to run it without the pickupitem function hold on
Alright, last thing I have to ask, is the Backpack CoreGUI disabled? (You can test this easily by trying to put anything into the characters backpack). Well, I said it was the last thing, but, is it shown inside of the player’s backpack from the explorer (If it is, the CoreGUI is most likely disabled)?