I made a basic sword tool for an RPG I’m making with a friend, but for some reason, the damage multiplies itself. Here’s an example of what I mean:
The first hit does 15 damage, the second does 15 damage, but then the third does 30, the fourth does 30, etc, etc. The pattern continues if you keep going as well.
Sorry in advance for so many comments being in the scripts - my friend doesn’t know coding at all, so I wanted him to be able to understand it.
Here’s the client script:
t = script.Parent
hbox = t.Hitbox
han = t.Handle
cd = 2
onCd = false
ev = game.ReplicatedStorage.StarterSword
t.Activated:Connect(function() --when tool is used
if onCd == false then
print("setting touch") --for debugging
local humanoidsHit = {} --make a table to store the people hit
hbox.CanTouch = true --make sure it can actually HIT PEOPLE
print("waiting...") --for debugging
task.wait(0.002) --safety net so it doesn't try to run .Touched before touch is enabled
print("hit func ran")
hbox.CanTouch = false --so it doesn't try to run .Touched multiple times
local hum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if hum and not table.find(humanoidsHit, hum) then --check if it's a humanoid and if it's already in the table. if it is not in the table, continue
print("hum. found") --for debugging
print(hit) --for debugging
print(hit.Parent) --for debugging
print(hum) --for debugging
table.insert(humanoidsHit, hum) --put humanoid in storage so you don't hit them twice
print("inserted") --for debugging
ev:FireServer(hum) --send signal to server
print("passed to server")
task.wait(1) --delay for the length of the animation so it can calculate at ay point during it
hbox.CanTouch = false --can no longer hit
table.clear(humanoidsHit) --remove any stored ppl so you can hit them again
onCd = true --[
onCd = false --] cd shenanigans
if onCd == true then return end
And here’s the server script:
rs = game.ReplicatedStorage
strtr = rs.StarterSword
strtr.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, hum) -- recieves signal from client, had to add the stupid first variable or it tries to find the health of the player instead of character
print("function recieved")
if hum and hum:IsA("Humanoid") then -- ensure it's a humanoid
print("hum detected")
hum.Health -= 15 --deal damage
print("hum damaged")
If anyone can help, thanks in advance!