Sword Not Matching Animation

Hello, so I’m currently trying to have a sword idle animation run when a player equips the sword but when I equip the sword the sword doesn’t align with the arms that matches the animation.

The animation I’m trying to run → f42ecc4195240805ca448d425332a859.gif (gyazo.com)

How it looks when scripted and in idle → d7b1bd1b1fd17d1d1bbcf845727c6336.gif (gyazo.com)

When you made the animation, did you altar or move the motor6d at all? If you did, then you’ll need to replicate the changes in game too.

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I don’t think I did but I’ll redo it today and get back to you.

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Yeah it’s still not working, when I redid the motor and kept it the same

What methods are you using to connect the m6d?

For the script I’m instancing a new motor and then adjusting the properties (part0,part1) with the same properties as the animated rig, I also tried just transferring the animated rig motor as a whole both ways didn’t work.

The way I personally do it (and this probably isn’t the most efficient method), is just to put this script in a tool.

	motor = Instance.new("Motor6D")

	motor.Name = "BodyAttatch"
	motor.Part0 = character.Torso
	motor.Part1 = tool.HandPart


can you also show the script you used?

056b72b7432acecbfd7b279807ec493a.png (gyazo.com) I essentially did the same thing as you