As you can see in the gif, when a player comes into contact with another players sword, it flips out.
The sword & purple mark are both set to CanCollide = false and I’ve even created a CollisionGroup for the players so they can’t collide.
I update the cframe of the BodyPosition and BodyGyro locally using RenderStepped
if character.Sword:FindFirstChild("BodyPosition") and
character.Sword:FindFirstChild("BodyGyro") then
character.Sword.BodyPosition.Position = character.Anchor.Position
character.Sword.BodyGyro.CFrame = character.UpperTorso.CFrame *
CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180), math.rad(155))
I can’t seem to find out the reason for it flipping out like this seeing as the player cannot interrupt the sword, so it should always reach it’s destination. Is there a solution?