- synapse x // injection detection

Why spawn(function()? Why not coroutine.wrap(function()

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no it does not, even with synapse’s auto-launch feature, it still detects it

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no. given how synapse runs locally and cannot really affect the server at all you would have to detect client side.

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Too bad this will probably be patched by Synapse anytime soon


As ReverseTable said, this doesn’t actually detect Synapse. Synapse doesn’t use notifications on its own. Only free and crappy exploits (written with a certain API) are caught by this. There was nothing to patch, and your friend misled you when he said it detected Synapse. At most, he was using a skinned free exploit.
Do your research, or test it yourself next time. This is quite the mislabeled thread.


this does work, got a friend to test it but he bypassed it

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No, it doesn’t. Nothing this stupidly simple would get by with their devs. Synapse has been around since 2015. I’m sure if this was a thing, it would’ve been public long ago. Your friend is lying to you. As I already said, do your research or test it yourself. You sound like a fool for saying it’s totally real.


it does work, the only reason this works is because synapse modifies the notificationframe in its initscript to return nil

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What. Synapse doesn’t touch NotificationFrames at all. Please, stop, you’re misleading so many people. My brain hurts reading through this.

Synapse notifies you of injection with the title of the program. Only free exploits with a certain API use notifications on injection.


My friend did get kicked using the real synapse.

If he got kicked while actually using Synapse, he executed a script with notifications. Either manually or with autoexec. There is no other way.


you literally own synapse, do you not???


Here’s the game link he sent https://www.roblox.com/games/6670402535/Untitled-Game


I do, and I know this wouldn’t work. I’ve tried a variety of exploits, and ONLY free ones used notifications on injection.


Show the entire installation folder, including autoexec, then inject in the same video


Test it for yourself and if it doesn’t work I am sorry.

I would, but I’m on mobile at the moment. I will show this doesn’t work when I’m back on PC.


Although it doesn’t show a notification on synapse, it works, even on auto attach.

same game

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Try it with autoattach and see if it works.

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