Syncing Speakers

Hello, I’m trying to sync a number of speakers over a lake surrounding. But slowly they kept unsyncing. It happens a lot when you join the experiences as the Sound properties are loading.
Let’s say there are 30 Model named “Speaker” in “LakeSpeakers”.
The Child of the Models are named “Main” (Part), with a child called “Song” (Sound).

I tried using for i,v in pairs to play them all at one time,
I also have tried to sync the musics by manually adjust the timing with for i,v in pairs using a textbutton

I’m not sure of a exact reason but I think the reason for the music to slowly unsyncing is because the a for loop will have a time difference that you wouldn’t notice between each time the sound play so you could try use a coroutine or have the sounds already playing but muted and then when you click the button the volume will automatically go back to whatever you would like the volume to be. I think changing the volume would be your best bet but might have an issue if you wanted the audio to start from the start instead of possibly midway of the track.

Just an idea, for if any of the ideas above doesn’t work, I’ve recently just learnt what canvas groups are for Guis and I also don’t know what sound groups are so my feeling with sound groups is it’ll be similar to canvas groups but for sound so you could try using a sound group and having the audios in that.

Here’s the Roblox documentation on sound groups

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There is currently a feature request that I recommend supporting.

This topic explains the current problem with syncing audios and a workaround that you can use to get htem to sync.

You just need to wait for them to load in your case. But any audio error will cause them to completely unsync.

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