Syntax highlighting broke

Hello everyone, I have been trying to script a new plugin, but my syntax highlighting broke.

i don’t want to post in studio-bugs because this could be a simple fix


Why are globals black?
I have restarted studio, redownloaded it, and done everything in an effort to fix this. I am sorry if I am posting in the incorrect category.
I have also found out that this problem only occurs in dark theme, not light theme.


If you have the beta enabled for the new script editor highlighting, a bunch of color highlightings are currently black as default. (I enabled the beta feature after I took the first screenshot, oops)

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This is a known bug with the Semantic Highlighting beta - some people have ended up with zero-filled settings files. We are working on a patch, but for the time being, you can also fix this by resetting your Studio settings.


Okay, thanks for the heads-up.

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