System message wont send out serverside

I’ve heard this was possible, I’d like to know if it is. Here is the part where it sends it out, the whole script works with or without it. It’s just this part.

	local	systemmessage ="Bright green")
game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", { 
	Text = "[System] "..player.Name.." has robbed "..amount.." from ";
	Font = Enum.Font.SciFi;
	Color = systemmessage.Color; 
	FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size96; 

Would appreciate if you could help!


This sends a chat message client-side. If you’d like to send a system message you would put that in a RemoteEvent function that is fired to all clients from the server upon the robbery taking place. You should ensure you have sanity checks however, and text filtering so exploiter’s can’t fire the event to make it say whatever they please to everyone’s chat.

local ChatEvent = PATH.TO.REMOTE

    -- game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage" {}) and so on.
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I fixed it.
New script

local	systemmessage ="Bright green")
	Text = "[System] "..player.Name.." has robbed "..amount.." from ";
	Font = Enum.Font.SciFi;
	Color = systemmessage.Color; 
	FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size96; 

client fire:

local SendMessage = game.ReplicatedStorage.SendMessage
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In order to ensure people don’t waste time pointing out a solution when you already have one, please make sure to mark your original post as solved with an edit stating how you achieved it in the future.

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