Lately I’ve been having an issue where if I quote an entire post, the system will automatically edit my post and remove it. Now obviously I understand that it’s meant to reduce spam if you’re copying a long post, but that’s not where my issue lies. I’ve had this happen when quoting a single sentence that just so happens to be the entire post.
This isn’t a huge problem as I can edit it back in afterwards. But I think a better solution would be to have the system first check how long the quoted post actually is before automatically removing it. Low priority, but I do find it inconvenient to say the least.
I think this feature is more-so meant to correct behavior where quotes arent being used as intended. Quotes are mainly to allow you to reply to subsections of another post – if you’re quoting the whole post then a nornmal reply to that post would do the trick too!
Replies already indicate which post you are replying to so a user can go read that if they want more context.
I understand that and yes it does technically provide the necessary context (so I completely understand if this is fully rejected because of that), but my reasoning for doing that is because often, especially on longer threads, people are scrolling past and not bothering to investigate context. I quote what I’m responding to so that there’s less steps involved for the reader to understand what’s going on.
Plus if I’m quoting multiple people at once, it helps people differentiate what I’m referring to instead of assuming.
But those are just my thoughts. I’d prefer this, though it’s just a small inconvenience otherwise.