I’m not an advanced scripter, so does anyone know how to make a client sided script which makes the part go non collision if they own a certain t-shirt?
I’ve used many scripts but the issue is the fact other users can also walk through the door if they’re going in the same time. I really need help and a solution for this, as I am trying to do a queue for my Stealth recreation from Thorpe Park.
I feel in this scenario is there any reason to complicate it by not trusting the client? in the end the exploiter might as well just delete said part / nocollide it themselves.
You could use a touched event in a localscript and check the players t-shirt ID. If it’s the right ID open the door for them (locally). Additionally you could add a hit box on the server inside the area that checks their shirt and kicks or teleports them if they don’t have the shirt.
The main thing I want to accomplish is to let ONLY the user who owns the t-shirt through, not anyone who ever tries to enter at the same time. (As the wall will be non-collision)
Yes you can use MarketplaceService on the client, however you could just simply do checks server-sided, and then fire a remote event if the player has the item. However I don’t see any issue with doing something like this client-sided as exploiters can just set the door/part collision for their client. Be that as it may, you may want to do the first statement I said as it allows you to to use a region based system and verify if they have the shirt if they dont then teleport them outside or whatever punishment you find feasible.
As mentioned by @Aethersthetix use MarketPlaceService or more specifically PlayerOwnsAsset. Normally I agree never trust the client. But I feel like in this scenario there is no real reason to make it server sided? To make it simple I would ask when the player joins if they own the asset and then just open the door if that is true. Code wise something like this.
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local CanAccess = MarketPlaceService:PlayerOwnsAsset(game.Players.LocalPlayer, 2960067065)
local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Hit.Parent)
if Player and Player == game.Players.LocalPlayer then
if CanAccess then
Part.CanCollide = false
Part.Transparency = 1