Tab 0.2 - (FREE MODEL) OS Based working tablet!

Hello! welcome to Tab 0.2.
Tab is an OS Based working tablet.

The goal of this project is to create a fully functional tablet that will be useful to many kinds of games.

Here is preview of it:

Download V0.2 of the tablet!

Thanks for reading!
i would like to get suggestions and feedback

(it’s not perfect right now, it’s the first version.)



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your model is great good job but there are some lines of code that can be optimized

Local Script
local cmd

for _,v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do -- you are checking for every descendant in the game to get the model which isnot good if there are alot of Descendants in the game
	if v:IsA("Model") then
		local funfound = false
		for _, fun in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do -- that is uncessary
			if fun.Name == "Functionality" and fun:IsA("Folder") then
				funfound = true
		if funfound == true then
			cmd = v.Model.FRONT.SCREEN.ui.cmd
			found = true


-- can be simplified by using tags into just 2 lines
local Tab = game:GetService("CollectionService"):GetTagged("Tab")[1]
cmd = Tab.Model.FRONT.SCREEN.ui.cmd

your server script is good but its better to use task.wait() instead of wait so it doesnot throttle and because wait runs on 30hz which means its less accurate


the difference is small but if you donot want to get the key of a table then donot wrap it in pairs

for _,installed_app in pairs(memory.installed) do

can be

for _,installed_app in memory.installed do
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thanks for your feedback.

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Tab 0.2

Added & changed:

    1. OS TabOS v0.2, with better design and better functionality.
    1. Fixed many bugs
    1. Better tablet design, bigger screen
    1. Power off feature

This tablet looks VERY GOOD! It’s interesting how it works so well! Good job on it! How long did it take for you to make in total?

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it took me 2 days to make it.
do you have suggestions on how to make it look better?