Tab title replaces spaces with hyphens

Repro steps:

  1. Open the page for any group with spaces in the group name, such as Paradoxum Games - Roblox, or use the Group Selector and refresh the page
  2. Check the title of the browser tab

Expected behavior:
The title is the same as the group name

Actual behavior:

Spaces are replaced with hyphens, like in the URL.

This issue does not occur when using the Group Selector, unless you refresh the page.

Frequency: Always
First experienced: 10/01/2024


Does replicate for me:

Try clearing browser cache or something…

Still occurring. Did you reload the page before checking?

Yes I did. And it still doesn’t occur.

Looks like this is related to an extension I recently installed (RoSeal). I’ll remember to disable everything non-vanilla first before reporting bugs next time :melting_face:

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