Table and printing not working?

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    To convert a string to a table so that it can be read by my other scripts.

  2. What is the issue?
    The table is just showing up a nil and also not printing for some reason. Am I pulling a silly?

local osu_beatmap = "192,192,100,5,0,0:0:0:0:64,192,266,1,0,0:0:0:0:320,192,433,1,0,0:0:0:0:192,192,600,1,0,0:0:0:0:448,192,766,1,0,0:0:0:0:192,192,1100,1,0,0:0:0:0:64,192,1266,1,0,0:0:0:0:320,192,1433,1,0,0:0:0:0:192,192,1600,1,0,0:0:0:0:448,192,1766,128,0,2433:0:0:0:0:64,192,2433,1,0,0:0:0:0:320,192,2766,1,0,0:0:0:0:64,192,2933,1,0,0:0:0:0:320,192,3100,1,0,0:0:0:0:192,192,3266,1,0,0:0:0:0:448,192,3433,1,0,0:0:0:0:320,192,3766,1,0,0:0:0:0:64,192,3933,1,0,0:0:0:0:320,192,4100,1,0,0:0:0:0:192,192,4266,1,0,0:0:0:0:"
function songs:osuConverter(beatmap_string)
	local notes = string.split(beatmap_string, "0:0:0:0:")
	local beatmap = {}
	for i, note in notes do
		local note_data = string.split(note, ",")
		if note_data[1] == "" then return end
		local lane = note_data[1]
		local time_position = note_data[3]
		local hold_note = note_data[4]
		local end_time = note_data[5]
		if lane == "64" then
			lane = 1
		elseif lane == "192" then
			lane = 2
		elseif lane == "320" then
			lane = 3
		elseif lane == "448" then
			lane = 4
		time_position = tonumber(time_position)/100
		if hold_note == "1" or "5" then
			hold_note = 0
			hold_note = 1
		end_time = tonumber(end_time)/100
		local FINAL_NOTE = {lane, time_position, hold_note, end_time}
		table.insert(beatmap, FINAL_NOTE)
	return beatmap

So I’m trying to convert an Osu Mania note data from a string to a table that is like this:
[1] = {lane, time_position, held, end_position},
[2] = {lane, time_position, held, end_position},


Now when I do this for some odd reason inside the for loop that goes through the string and sets up the note I am able to print from there and it will show up the thing getting done. But once I’m outside of the loop before the return, it doesn’t?

I hope you understand what I’m saying cause I suck at explaining things, any help is much appreciated. Thank you!

1 Like
    for i, note in notes do
		local note_data = string.split(note, ",")
		if note_data[1] == "" then return end -- Problem causer right here

You should instead break / continue rather than returning, otherwise the end of the code after the loop is never reached because you return out of the function early.

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