I have this issue where a table of default values that is NOT supposed to be changed is indeed being changed.
at the head of my script i have a table that serves as default values like so:
local defaultDamageValues = {DamageEnabled = true, DamageDay = 0, DamageNight = 0}
I also have a table to store data for each player, I create an entry for the player when they join.
PlayerUtilityService.PlayerDamageStatus = {}
Then later on, I have a method to increment the values so the player might take some damage incrementally ( this is for a vampire kinda thing).
Here is the method:
function PlayerUtilityService:IncrementDamageValues(player, params)
if not player or not params then return end
print("damage default 1", defaultDamageValues)
if PlayerUtilityService.PlayerDamageStatus[player.UserId] == nil then
PlayerUtilityService.PlayerDamageStatus[player.UserId].DamageEnabled = defaultDamageValues
print("damage default 2", defaultDamageValues)
PlayerUtilityService.PlayerDamageStatus[player.UserId].DamageDay += params.DamageDay
PlayerUtilityService.PlayerDamageStatus[player.UserId].DamageNight += params.DamageNight
print("damage default 3", defaultDamageValues)
As you can see, if the player has nothing in their table, I will populate it with the default values set at the head of the script. NOw that they have some default values ready, i then increment the values sent in params. But the issue is that when i am incrementing values, it is ALSO setting the defaultDamageValues table!
Why is this happenieng and how can i do it differently? I dont understand how a pointer was set in this case and why the defaultDamageValues table is being set.