I’m trying to “unpack” a table with numbers but separate them with commas for argument purposes to pass, like this. However it returns nil due to the comma.
function Engine:Fire(event:string?, ch, ...):BindableEvent?
-- ... in this case is {15,2}
if event:lower():match("fire") then
_G:ReP(ch.Character, "ev").Burn:Fire(tonumber(table.concat(..., ","))) -- Burn events takes two arguments as number, (10,5), like this.
The comma is not a number. You cannot use tonumber on a string that contains non-numeric characters.
Also, even if you removed tonumber, you would not be passing two arguments. You would be passing the string “10,5” as one argument.
You must explicitly put a comma in the parentheses between two values yourself, there is no jank way to do it like you’re trying to do it in a single line. Slow down and spread your operations out, don’t cram them all into a single line.
Sorry, was a bit busy, but yes, as biglulu stated, you’re assigning a tuple to a variable, which only takes as many values as you put variables.
The proper way to use this would be in a method like :Fire(table.unpack(…))
local T = {4,3,2,1}
local function FakeFire(...)
local Values = {...} -- We can recompile the tuple (...) to a table with curly braces.
for Which, Value in pairs({...}) do -- We can also iterate the values
print(Which, Value) -- And then print/use them.
-- Let's simulate :Fire() by calling FakeFire()
-- There you have it.
This worked but is there any way to separate the two with commas so i can pass them as args like I said?
As of @IDoLua, your method worked but on the bindable event function itself it errored Unable to cast Array to float
Burn.Event:Connect(function(Time:number?, Damage:number?)
Humanoid:TakeDamage(Damage or 5) -- Errored.
_G:ReP(Character, "va").BurningTime.Value = Time
Here you go. Keep in mind this only works if the first number and second number are passed in as the first and second argument after ch.
function Engine:Fire(event:string?, ch, ...):BindableEvent?
-- ... in this case is {15,2}
if event:lower():match("fire") then
local arg = {...}
local num1, num2 = table.unpack(arg)
_G:ReP(ch.Character, "ev").Burn:Fire(num1, num2) -- Burn events takes two arguments as number, (10,5), like this.