So basically this is driving me mad, I’m trying to see if the index of a table is equal to a certain name because I have a table set up like this inside of that table like so
local UnCompleteMissions = _G.PlayerData[plr.UserId]["Inventory"]["UnComplete Missions"]
for idx, missions in pairs(UncompleteMissions) do
for missionname, missioncontents in pairs(missions) do
if UncompleteMissions[missioncontents[1]] then
Well thats what Im doing right here, but it’s returning nil
I’ve print out missioncontents[1] and it gives me the mission name, so Im not sure why its returning nil
for idx, missions in pairs(UncompleteMissions) do
for missionname, missioncontents in pairs(missions) do
if UncompleteMissions[missioncontents[1]] then
Yeah thats a great visual example but the thing is I’m trying to find the name of the mission which is the key and if its there than like do stuff but its printing nil