Table is returning empty, when it was instanced with something in it

local other = {
	attachment = massTax.StartMassTax.Attachment
--this prints: {}

Can someone explain why the table is printing empty and give me a fix for it?
Thanks in advance.

It shouldn’t return an empty table, something else is probably interfering with it. Could you show where the script is / more of your code?

The job of the code is to check if an AI is in a zone (a part called StartMassTax).
The reason I only showed a small snippet was because the table basically isolated in its code, but I do need it to fire to the server.

for i, v in massTax.StartMassTax:GetTouchingParts() do
		if v.Parent.Name == "AI" and not table.find(currentlyTouching, v.Parent) then
			print("npc alr in")
			table.insert(currentlyTouching, v.Parent)
			local npc = v.Parent
			local other = {
				attachment = massTax.StartMassTax.Attachment
			remotes.StealData:FireServer(npc, 2, "MassTax", nil, other)

And before firing to the server, it prints an empty table?

You most likely don’t have Log Mode off.

Look down at your output window, find the three horizontal dots on the far right at the top of it, make sure “Log Mode” is unchecked.

After doing that, you should be able to print tables and view them within output.

Without Log Mode disabled, the only way you’d be able to see what is inside of the table is by finding the length of it, by doing print(#table).

yes that’s correct, i’ve tried changing the contents of the table but it still doesn’t work.

my log mode is off, it dont think the problem is printing, I think it has to do with the code, because when I try to access it in the code, it throws an error that happens when trying to access something that is nil.

I just tried something, and found out when I put the code outside of a local function, the table printed, so I think it has to do with the function, but I’m not sure why, here’s the rest of the code if anyone could help.

local function MassTax()
	local humrp = char.HumanoidRootPart
	local currentlyTouching = {}
	local massTax = FX.Meshes.MassTax:Clone()
	massTax.Parent = char
	massTax.PrimaryPart.CFrame = humrp.CFrame
	for i, v in massTax.StartMassTax:GetTouchingParts() do
		if v.Parent.Name == "AI" and not table.find(currentlyTouching, v.Parent) then
			print("npc alr in")
			table.insert(currentlyTouching, v.Parent)
			local npc = v.Parent

			local other = {
				attachment = script.Parent
           print(other)--this prints out nil
			remotes.StealData:FireServer(npc, 2, "MassTax", nil, other)

UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gpe)
	if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R then
		if not cds.massTax.onCD then
			cds.massTax.onCD = true
			local other = {
				attachment = script.Parent
			print(other) --this prints out the table

Since you’re calling MassTax() in the InputBegan event, how about you pass the table as a parameter, then try printing it like that?

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