Table not Updating

Players = game.Players:GetChildren()
repeat wait() Players = game.Players:GetChildren() print(1) until #Players >= 2
for i = 4 , 0 , -1 do
	script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = i

It only prints 1 even if I add valid members of game.Players

Look closer at line 2!

Spoilers ahead :smile:

This is because Players table didn’t update. You are declaring it as local in your repeat-loop, so it’s not updating.

You probably shouldn’t check so rapidly either. Perhaps add up waiting time from wait() to wait(0.2).

EDIT 2 @boyparis are you joining as one player? The current requirement is two players.


Ok, it still does not print 2 though, Is deleting local enough?

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yes, the game requires two players, but i thought I could get around it somehow by just adding a random object when testing