Table of Contents Discourse Plugin

After browsing through the Discourse Meta for a short while, I couldn’t help but feel that this plugin would be a welcome addition to the forum, particularly for #resources:community-tutorials. It seems like a simple plugin that shouldn’t break anything, and I’m not too concerned about people misusing it as it doesn’t appear to intrude enough to be an issue.

Allowing people to hazard a guess at how long a guide will be, jump to sections of interest, both of which save time, will improve the user experience here on the developer forum.

This feature only works on actual topics. PMs and replies are automatically ignored.

I’m aware that this might not work for the non-default style themes, but a workaround is simply to only add this component to compatible themes.

It looks like this when implemented and is entirely optional:


I don’t know if Roblox would add this since it would be another plugin for them to have to maintain.


Having implemented it on a private Discourse forum, I know first-hand that it’s a very light plugin that is maintained by Discourse themselves, meaning that it should not be difficult to maintain (at all, really).


Another use case for this could be API. I’m always seeing it on Meta newadays, it would be nice to have, it’s pretty lightweight.


Bumping this because I still feel like this is much needed feature. It would also be useful for #bulletin-board, not just #resources:community-tutorials. With this table of contents plugin, it will be easier to create resources such as handbooks, instructions, changelogs, and so on and so forth.


Also should point out this is a component so it wont shut the site down to rebuild as a plugin would. I still think this would be really helpful to have.


The Plugin is actually maintained by Discourse themselves.


It would be great to have this plugin on this forum, since they’re also trying to have such a thing, seen in this post here: RDC24: What We Announced


I really want to see this feature being added on the forums. It is a great feature. Especially since Roblox is also posting their own Resources, this would be so beneficial.