Yable was renamed to Table(version) for it’s new purpose.
This is a module as a way to improve myself and showcase my abilities for the work I do. I’ll be glad to add any of your suggestions!The difference is that I plan to use it as an add-on to table methods, not an alternative
hey , so im making public this module i had made for development of my games some time ago. it builds onto the existing roblox table functions and adds missing methods that constantly need you to be making functions everywhere.
there’s some tools than can be useful in real world scenarios such as if you have a list of items and want to randomize their order, calculate their sum, combine them pairwise, find the items unique to each list, excluding duplicates and assisting your datastore with easily removing duplicates etc
for example, i used it on a crate spin system that went crazy, first rotating the table then shuffling after 2 iterations, it looked great and its a more event based and simple approach.
latest version's changelog
you can now use table as a core roblox library!
by declaring the module as table
for example
-- Declare table2 as table
local table = require(path.to.table2)
local t1 = {"foo", 3}
-- Fully works with original table library
table.insert(t1, 9) -- > Inserts 9 to t1, as normal
table.shuffle(t1) ---> Shuffles t1, ex., becomes {9, 3, "foo"}, with 9 now.
it just builds onto the existing elements and makes it easier without needing to lose your muscle memory, which is what i recommend. however, if you don’t like it for any reason, theres 2 versions. addon and separate, downloadable separately (updated at the same time)
for example:
-- Separate version
local yable = require(path.to.table_s)
local t1 = {"foo", 3}
-- Now, doing this is not possible
yable.insert(t1, 9) -- > Doesn't exist
yable.shuffle(t1) -- > Works
-- Add-on version
local table = require(path.to.table_a)
-- Any built-in is possible
table.insert(t1, 9) -- > Works
table.shuffle(t1) -- > Works
table.math added!
simplify your statistics for your projects, benchmarks, group mathematical operations, average of judges score, inventory sizes, lowest and highest sets in data, random based economies, anything.
the functions are accesible both as a sub method under table
-- Declaring table first
local table = require(path.to.table)
-- Then easily access by using .math after table
local myNumbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
local myResult = table.math.sum(myNumbers)
print(myResult) ---> 15
or optionally, you can declare it as an alternate version
-- Declaring table.math as tmath
local tmath = require(path.to.table).math
-- Works separately
local myNumbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
local myResult = tmath.sum(myNumbers)
print(myResult) ---> 15
shouldnt interfere much if you only want the math methods
and for table.math / tmath, the functions are
math.max ( also accesible as table.maxn for compatibility and simplicity )
math.accumulate ( accumulate is how math.sum, sub and product work with a accumulator function, such as: )
local factors = {2, 3, 4}
local product = tmath.accumulate(factors, function(acc, val) return acc * val end, 1)
print(product) -- Output: 24
added for table
- table.vfind (suggested by @IceMinisterq): finds a entry in a table from a value and not thru index
local t1 = {
a1 = "hey",
b2 = 1,
c3 = 89
local find = table.find(t1, "hey") -- > nil
local vfind = table.vfind(t1, "hey") -- > a1
- table.fill: fills an arrays values with another, optionally starting at a index and ending at another optional index
local myArray = {}
table.fill(myArray, 1, 1, 20)
print("Initialized empty array:", myArray)
-- resetting portions of a table:
local scores = {15, 8, 22, 10}
table.fill(scores, 0, 2, 4)
print("Scores after reset:", scores)
-- luck based mechanics:
local myPlayers = {"roblox", "Jake", "builderman", "QLP", "Guest"}
local luckyPlrs = table.fill(myPlayers, nil, 2, 5)
print("Lucky player:", luckyPlrs)
-- It can also be used for clearing tables, but table.clear already does that job.
random way to use table.fill
gradient effect
local numSteps = 50
local gradient = table.fill({}, {r = 0, g = 0, b = 1}, 1, numSteps) -- start with blue
for i = 2, numSteps do
gradient[i] = {
r = gradient[i - 1].r + 1/numSteps, -- increment red
g = gradient[i - 1].g,
b = gradient[i - 1].b - 1/numSteps -- decrement blue
- keys method that returns only the keys
local playerStats = {health = 100, mana = 50, strength = 15}
local statNames = table.keys(playerStats)
for _, statName in ipairs(statNames) do
print(statName, playerStats[statName])
-- Output: health 100, mana 50, strength 15
- values method that only returns values
example usage with both values and keys method
local playerData = {
["Alice"] = {score = 1800, coins = 52, level = 15},
["Bob"] = {score = 1250, coins = 38, level = 12},
["Charlie"] = {score = 2500, coins = 80, level = 20}
-- all player names
local playerNames = table.keys(playerData)
print("Player Names:", playerNames)
-- Output: Player Names: {Alice, Bob, Charlie}
-- all score values
local scores = table.values(playerData)
print("Scores:", scores)
-- Output: Scores: {{score = 1800, coins = 52, level = 15}, ... }
-- get the highest score:
local highestScore = 0
for _, playerInfo in ipairs(scores) do
if playerInfo.score > highestScore then
highestScore = playerInfo.score
print("Highest Score:", highestScore) -- Output: Highest Score: 2500
- renaming/removing of superseded functions
function reverse(t : {any}) : void
Reverses the order of elements in a table.
function vfind(haystack: {any}, needle: any, init: number | nil): any
Searches for a value within a table and returns the key where the match is found.
function map(t: {any}, f): {any}
Creates a new table by applying a transformation function to each element of the original table.
function filter(t: {any}, f): {any}
Creates a new table containing only the elements from the original table that pass a test function.
function fill(t: {any}, value: any, start: number | nil, finish: number | nil): {any}
Fills a table (or part of it) with a specified value.
function accumulate(t: {any}, f, initial: number | nil): any
Reduces a table to a single value by cumulatively applying a function.
function slice(t, start, finish): {any}
Extracts a portion of a table into a new table.
function shuffle(t: {any}): void
Randomizes the order of elements within a table.
function isempty(t: {any}): boolean
Checks if a table is empty (has no elements).
function deepclone(t: {any}): {any}
Creates a deep copy of a table, including nested tables.
function flatten(t: {any}) : {any}
Flattens a nested table into a single-level array.
function keys(t: {any}) : {any}
Collects all the keys of a table into a new table.
function values(t: {any}) : {any}
Collects all the values of a table into a new table.
function merge(t1: {any}, t2: {any}) : {any}
Combines two tables into a new table.
function mergekeep(t1: {any}, t2: {any}) : {any}
Combines two tables and only adds unique keys from t2 into t1.
function mergeoverwrite(t1: {any}, t2: {any}) : {any}
Combines two tables, overwriting values in t1 with any matching keys in t2.
function intersection(t1: {any}, t2: {any}): {any}
Creates a new table containing the elements present in both input tables.
function difference(t1: {any}, t2: {any}): {any}
Creates a new table containing the elements in the first table that are not present in the second.
function union(t1: {any}, t2: {any}): {any}
Creates a new table containing all elements from both input tables, removing duplicates.
function group_by(t: {any}, keyFunc): {any}
Groups elements in a table based on the result of a key-generating function.
function flatten_deep(t: {any}): {any}
Flattens a nested table (with arbitrary depth) into a single-level array.
function rotate(t: {any}, n: number): {any}
Rotates the elements of a table by a specified number of positions.
function split(t: {any}, predicate) : trueValues, falseValues
Splits a table into two new tables based on whether elements pass a test function.
function contains(t : {any}, value : any) : boolean
Checks if a table contains a specific value.
function zip(t1: {any}, t2: {any}): {any}
Pairs corresponding elements from two tables into two-element tables.
function chunk(t: {any}, size: number): {{any}}
Splits a table into smaller tables (chunks) of a specified size.
function purgeshared(t1: {any}, t2: {any}) : {any}
Creates a table containing the unique elements from both input tables (elements not present in both).
let me know if i should anything to the module, ill try to update it.
- yes
- meh
- noo
0 voters
- yes
- it’s fine
- noo
0 voters
get the versions here
addon version that builds over table methods. allows you to declare the module as “table”. (explained earlier)
separate version that removes core table functions, can not be declared as “table”. (also explained earlier)