Documentation | Source Code | Get Model
TableCare is a module to manage your tables more easier. You can use functions to save tables, use tables in another scripts easier and more.
Check similar values between two tables:
local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local table1 = {"banana", "apple", "berry", "mouse", "dog", "horse"}
local table2 = {"apple", "cat", "mouse", "fox", "fly", "give"}
local common_elements = TableCare.checksimilar(table1, table2) -- return a table.
for index, value in pairs(common_elements) do print(value) end
Delete every target elements in a table:
local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local table1 = {"banana", "apple", "berry", "mouse", "dog", "berry", "horse", "berry"}
table1 = TableCare.deleteall(table1, "berry")
for index, value in pairs(table1) do
Fusion two tables:
local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local table1 = {"banana", "apple", "berry", "mouse", "dog", "horse"}
local table2 = {"orange", "cat", "ari", "fox", "fly", "give"}
table1 = TableCare.kiss(table1, table2)
for index, value in pairs(table1) do print(value) end
Save a table to use this table in another scripts:
local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local table1 = {"banana", "apple", "berry", "mouse", "dog", "horse"}
local save_id = TableCare.save_table(table1, 1, false)
In another script:
local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local copy_table = {}
copy_table = TableCare.load_table(1, copy_table)
for index, value in pairs(copy_table) do
If you want to unload the table, try the function TableCare.unload_table(bind_id):
local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
To get all loaded tables, you can try:
local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local storage_loaded = TableCare:GetLoadedTables()
And if you want to clear all loaded tables, then use the function TableCare:ClearLoadedTables()
local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
More exemples in the documentation.
Update Logs:
- Created the script.
- Added kiss function.
- Added checksimilar function.
- Added deleteall function.
- Added clearwithout function.
- Added save_table function.
- Added load_table function.
- Added unload_table function.
- Added random_id function.
- Added get_length function.
- Added GetLoadedTables function.
- Added LoadCareFor function.
- Added UnloadCareFor function.
- Added TrackIndexPlayer function.
- Added UntrackIndexPlayer function.
- Added TrackIndexInstance function.
- Added UntrackIndexInstance function.
- Added TrackToFunction function.
- Added ChangeIdentity function.
- Added PermanentLockToAccess function.
- Added SetDefaultIndex function.
- Added GetTrackedEvents function.
- Added ClearLoadedTables function.
- Added ClearTrackedEvents function.
- Added Signal module by stravant.
- Added MIT License.
- ChangeIdentity function don’t switch between 2 tables bug patch.
- Added private functions to optimize the module.
- The metatables for the function LoadCareFor() are now stable.
- The table.deleteall() function is back.
- When a table is permanent lock and you call a function using the metatable, it will return a warn in the output and return the table and args…
- Added arguments for the :UntrackIndexInstance and the :UntrackIndexPlayer functions.
- Erased metatables bug patch.
- WorkonClient delete → Client can use the module, you can’t disable this.
- Added meta_save function (When save, you can load the table one time and after, the saved table will be deleted [Like a temporary table.])
- Added comparators for the function TableCareFor(table).
- Added SetIndexFunction.
- Added UntrackToFunction to untrack a tracked function.