The “Problem”
I can’t say that it is too hard to filter tables but it can be streamlined considering if you do it enough times, it gets very annoying.
If a developer wanted to get a table of players that are “ready” in their game, they would do something similar to this:
local Players = game:GetService("Players");
local readyPlayers = {};
for _, player in pairs (Players:GetPlayers()) do
if player.PlayerData.Ready.Value then
table.insert(readyPlayers, player);
table.foreach(readyPlayers, function(_, player);
-- do stuff
With table.filter()
that could be shortened down to:
local Players = game:GetService("Players");
local readyPlayers = table.filter(Players:GetPlayers(), function(player)
return player.PlayerData.Ready.Value
table.foreach(targetPlayers, function(_, player);
-- do stuff
The Solution
Create a table.filter()
function that allows developers to filter tables without having to create a separate loop to get the data they want into an array. Other languages, like JavaScript (ES5+), have the filter function for their tables and it makes the job of filtering data easier.
The prototype code to filter would look similar to this:
function filter( t, func, withKeys )
local result = { };
for key, value in pairs (t) do
if func(value, key, t) then
if withKeys then
result[key] = value;
table.insert(result, value);
return result;
Sample usage code:
table.filter({ 1, 6, 7, 2, 3 }, function(n) return n > 5 end); -- { 6, 7 }
local players = {
a = {
name = 'Jane',
damageDealt = 1214
b = {
name = 'John',
damageDealt = 23
c = {
name = 'Jonathon',
damageDealt = 200
table.filter(players, function(p) return p.damageDealt > 120 end, true); -- { a = { name = 'Jane', damageDealt = 1214 }, c = { name = 'Jonathon', damageDealt = 200 }