I’m trying to add something to a table by doing this:
table.insert(table2["Inventory"], ID) -- ID = 4
But my table would look like:
table2 = {
Inventory = {
[1] = 4 -- It says [1] = 4, but how do I make it only say 4?
I’m trying to add something to a table by doing this:
table.insert(table2["Inventory"], ID) -- ID = 4
But my table would look like:
table2 = {
Inventory = {
[1] = 4 -- It says [1] = 4, but how do I make it only say 4?
It is inserting the value 4 into the first available position of the array, which in this case is 1.
I’m not sure if you mean that as the key or the value. If you mean as the value, it actually is the same thing in a different syntax. If you mean it as a key, you can use:
table.insert(table2["Inventory"], ID,Value)
[1] is the index of the value in the table, it is the index where 4, the value is present.
You can access it by table2.Inventory[1]
. If you want to insert 4 on the 4th index you can do table2.Inventory[ID] = ID
where ID is 4.