Is it possible to get two values from a single table and if so, how? Allow me to elaborate.
So, I have this table that contains a set of round music that I want to put on random and the category that minigame is.
Essentially what I want to do is have the script give me one math.random value being the category (Haste, Perserverance, Memory, etc) and then from that variable have another math.random value to determine which music plays.
local function CatagoryChoosing()
--Choose Catagory
--Choose Music and Choose Map
local CatagoryNumber = math.random(1, #Game_MinigameCatagoryTable)
local ChosenCatagory = Game_MinigameCatagoryTable[CatagoryNumber]
local AudioNumber = math.random(1, #ChosenCatagory)
local ChosenAudio = Game_MinigameCatagoryTable[AudioNumber]
This is the error that is produced which is basically telling me from my basic understanding that the script is unable to read #Game_MinigameCatagoryTable, probably because I didn’t further define what to do with the second batch of random audios?
If there is a solution to this or a better way to organize this information I would love to know.
Thanks Thanks.