my table is like this:
[UserId] = {houseZone,houseNumber}
so if player have two houses it will look like this:
[UserId] = {houseZone,1}
[UserId] = {houseZone,2}
if i want make loop to remove house and this variable from table it will do it only for one house cause loop finding variable by user id
How can i fix it to do loop for all variables? this is my loop:
for i,v in pairs(houseZones[2]) do
if houseZones[player.UserId] then
It looks like you’re making an array, so I’m pretty sure you need to use ipairs.
This won’t fix your main problem, but hopefully someone with more experience can come help you out.
if this is the case then… houseZones[2] will return nil? (unless someone with UserId of 2 joins)
if houseZones[player.UserId] then
houseZones[player.UserId] = nil --empty it i guess?
man i know about i need to remove this from table BUT i need get all houses what player bought
[UserId] = {houseZone, anumbervaluehere}; --Ye this is number value, and all variables have other values, its impossible to make like 2 houses with id 1
cause if a dictionary has two values with same keys wouldnt it overwrite them? so it would only have [UserId] = {houseZone,2} ?
if not then would you mind sharing how you would insert the tables?
well this way userid has a list of housezones you can easily track them down?
if Table[player.UserId] then
for _, Zone in pairs(Table[player.UserId]) do
Zone[1].Parent:Destroy(); --also why .Parent?
Table[player.UserId] = nil;
like i said im still having hard time with how the houseZones table looks like if player has multiple zones. youd need to show me how they are added to the houseZones table
so like i said if this is true then when you already have
houseZones[player.UserId] = {houseZone1, 1}
and you are adding another houseZone it’s going to overwrite it so you wont be able to keep track of it no more…
houseZones[player.UserId] = {houseZone2,2} --the first {houseZone1,1} will be lost
so using the feature i mentioned above, the new way of inserting would be
local function InsertZone(playerUserId, houseZone, houseNumber)
local ExistingZone = houseZones[player.UserId];
if not ExistingZone then
ExistingZone = {};
ExistingZone[#ExistingZone + 1] = {houseZone, houseNumber};
houseZones[player.UserId] = ExistingZone;
make sure to change the Table to houseZones i guess?
the object of the first housezone won’t be lost (obviously), however the stored value inside the table will overwritten. so when you do the following operations
houseZones[player.UserId] = {houseZone1, 1}
houseZones[player.UserId] = {houseZone2, 2}
and then call
you will only have
{houseZone2, 2}
due to the nature of the dictionary where same keys with diff values will just overwrite the value
obviously the houseZone inside workspace would still remain, just not inside the variable
since its not inside the variable you can’t use
this since it only contains one instance of the houseZone2 now.
does this make more sense?