Tags and why they should be renewed

Although they don’t obstruct development, there are some that shouldn’t exist in the first place like: #scripting, #building or #modeling

There are tags which are too general, and on top of that they already have a category that includes them completely (examples that I gave before). Although its true that there are others that can help someone searching for topics by tag like: #httpservice or #terrain.

There are many that can be obvious due to their category. Here is a list of ambiguous tags (by category)

Although there are more, I’m not going to bother looking at every existing tag.


I swear at some point tags were user defined/created, cause I’ve seen some really pointless tags get attached to posts (think old people putting their google searches on facebook pages kind of nonsensical)

A lot of them don’t make too much sense though due to there not being much point to put a tag that is identical to the category a post is in/should be in, leading to the tag being kind of redundant. Someone might wanna look into this.


True, but on most social media platforms, all you need to do is just out a hashtag before what you type, heck! I could probably do it here.


TL3+ can make tags.


yeah but does this affect you in any way shape for form?? no it doesn’t.

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