Content Update 1.4
Rewrote some code
Game heavily optimized
Added a bunch of new songs
Added 16 new badges
Maps Optimized
- Hydro and Island have been significantly optimized by Atlas (@player_kolan)
- Island: Reduced lag, better lighting and newer design choices to provide a refreshing experience
- Hydro: Redesigned and optimized most elements of the map, new lore pieces, better lighting and better balance decisions
- Hydro and Island have been significantly optimized by Atlas (@player_kolan)
- You can now purchase items during a match, some lasting the whole round
Bandage (NEW)
- Multi-use healing tool that will restore a small portion of health
Armor Plate (NEW)
- Replenishes armor and increases damage resistance
Machete (NEW)
- Tactical blade that can inflict massive damage to enemies up close
Mobility Shield (NEW)
- Lightweight ballistic shield that can be used with most classes
- Single-use healing tool that will restore a large portion of your health
MK22 (NEW)
- Sidearm that can be used with any basic class
Flare Gun (NEW)
- Signal gun that can call in air support to deliver supplies to your teammates
Bandage (NEW)
- You can now purchase items during a match, some lasting the whole round
- Kills, AI Kills and Deaths will display on the leaderboard
- There are also leaderboards in spawn to view other player’s stats as well as career stats
New Map
- Village
- Open with optimal cover
- New Boss: Vanguard
- Anti-material rifle, fires explosive projectiles at long range
- Has a visible laser and sound queues that will reveal his position
- Vehicles
- Village
New Mechanics
- Supply Drops
- Called by Flare Guns
- Contains new weapons and better items, one selection per life
- Stress
- When playing as a Hero, your stress bar will increase over time
- Deal damage or stay near the point to reduce it
- If the stress bar fills up all the way, you will receive damage over time until you either receive or deal damage
- The stress meter was implemented to discourage Heroes from straying off of the objective
- When playing as a Hero, your stress bar will increase over time
- Supply Drops
New Weapons (Obtained through Supply Drops)
- PP19 Bizon
- SMG, helicular magazine that can hold 64 rounds
- M860
- Pump-action shotgun, efficient at close range
- Deagle
- Handcannon, deals heavy damage with major recoil
- PP19 Bizon
Bulwark updated
- New animations
- Helmet HP appears on armor bar
Enforcer updated
- New animations
Medic updated
- New animations, models, sounds and FX thanks to @blight2894
- Better healing
- Nova-Charge now does an AOE effect
- Medigun is now click to use Discord
Scorcher updated
- Flamethrower now deals burn damage
- New animations, sounds and FX
Cloaker updated
- Kicks now stun opponents Discord
- Kills now knock opponents back
- New animations and FX
Engineer updated
- New building: Armor Node
- Can repair teammate’s armor and slightly regenerate health
- Teleporters can now perform a group teleport with up to 3 units
- Teleporters will mirror health and levels when repaired
- Sentry’s will now connect its laser to its target
- New building: Armor Node
Recon updated
- New scope effect
Booster updated
- New animations, sounds and FX
- Bonus damage upon landing
- Jetpack now thrusts in the direction you’re moving
- Can toggle the old method in settings
- Jetpack now activates with space bar (double tap)
- Torso now rotates in the direction you’re boosting
Inhibitor updated
- New outfits
- New behavior
- New animations, sounds and FX
AI updated
- Will become suspicious of nearby Cloakers
- Will properly climb ladders
- Will shoot at the target’s center mass, will shoot the head if the torso is not visible
- Will rally in the Gun Truck and Carrier Jeep
- New voicelines Discord
- Will deal more damage to other AI
- Should make AI fights less carried out
- AI Recon will now snipe from specific spots on each map
- Reduced firerate and increased damage when sighting
- Damage to Heroes: 1x → 0.33x
- AI Shield Enforcers now take aim
- Armor implemented
- Firerate updated
Weapons updated
- Reduced recoil and spread when aiming or crouching
- When standing still, tap firing is 100% accurate
- Reload canceling
- New kill effects
- Bullet whizzing
- New FX and impact sounds
- New indicators for critical hits and armor hits
- Third person aiming improved
- New icons
Tickets updated
- You’ll receive tickets for:
- Destroying Vehicles
- Destroying Scorcher’s Fuel Tank
- Destroying Enforcer’s Shield
- Destroying Bulwark’s Helmet
- You’ll receive tickets for:
Settings updated
- Added Patch Notes
- Settings now save
Game Additions
- Added a Win Screen at the end of the game
- Added notifications for when a Hero dies
- New Lobby (created by @nexipat)
- New Baked & Sold minigame (created by @paskii_rlib)
- Hero is now decided by Kills, not Tickets
- Capture limit restored
Overtime changed
- Duration reduced: 25 minutes → Infinite
- Overtime will only initiate if both team’s points are within 120 seconds and the losing team is capturing the point
- Overtime will end when one team has much more points than the other
- New songs and UI FX
Increased recoil and spread on all weapons slightly
- Should make the game less of “shooting into the enemy spawn” while still being controllable enough for fun gameplay
Recon changed
- Deals 0.85x damage to limbs, 2.5x to head
- Reduced damage to Bulwark’s Helmet and Head
- Hipfire shots are inaccurate
- Increased spread when moving while scoped
Cloaker changed
- Price: 100 → 90
Booster changed
- Price: 75 → 65
- Jetpack cooldown decreased: 0.2s → 0.1s
- Jetpack recharge speed decreased
- Jetpack loses charge when damaged
Heavy changed
- Health: 250 → 200
- Damage reduction: 20% → 40%
- Armor health: 50 → 60
- WalkSpeed: 14 → 11
- RunSpeed: 20 → 18
- Recoil significantly increased
Scorcher changed
- Price: 150 → 190
- Health: 300 → 250
- Damage reduction: 20% → 40%
- Armor health: 25 → 40
Fragger changed
- Price: 250 → 210
- Health: 250 → 225
- Damage reduction: 20% → 30%
- Armor health: 50 → 60
- Damage decreased
- Grenade cooldown: 5s → 7.5s
Enforcer changed
- Price: 65 → 55
- Damage reduction: 20% → 30%
- Armor health: 20 → 30
Infantry changed
- Damage reduction: 20% → 25%
- Armor health: 20 → 30
Inhibitor (AI) changed
- Health: 600 → 750
- Firerate: 1200 → 600
- Damage to Heroes: 1x → 0.33x
Vehicles changed
- AI MG Damage reduced: 1x → 0.33x
- Assault Car Cost: 25 → 20
- Armored Car Cost: 150 → 75
- Gun Truck MG Ammo: 450 → 200
- Gun Truck MG Magsize: 150 → 100
- Removed M14
- The model was extremely unoptimized, I will reimplement this weapon at a later date
- Removed Old Hydroelectric Dam
- Replaced with the optimized version
- Removed Old Island
- Replaced with the optimized version
- Removed Cloaker
- Just kidding lol
- Fixed KIA screen’s FOV being bugged
- Fixed former classes effecting Bulwark
- Fixed Booster not being able to aim while running
- Fixed being able to aim while running when not playing as a Booster
- Fixed scoping in third person as a Recon
- Fixed Vehicles not driving when you initially spawn them
- Fixed chat box overlaying the Vehicle Spawner UI
- Fixed chat box overlaying the Menu UI
- Fixed vehicles deleting while other seats still have an occupant
- Fixed BnS spawn in the Lobby
- Fixed grenade FX not appearing
- Fixed Scorcher’s fuel tank not working correctly
- Fixed Scorcher’s fuel tank hitbox
- Fixed PS commands
- Fixed rounding issues regarding Tickets
- Fixed voicelines spamming
- Fixed Engineer crouch bug
- Hitting a shield or vehicle will not play the flesh hit sound
- Fixed glitching inside of houses on Island Discord
- Fixed Engineer’s Sentry issues
- Fixed Gun Truck driver’s seat animation not playing
- Added assists for the driver of an MG vehicle when the MG gets a kill
- Added damage indicators for melee attacks and grenades
- Added Spawn Zones to prevent spawncamping
- Tips on death now correspond to whatever killed you
- Building HP will decrease at a constant rate when destroyed
- Added a close button to the “Information” UI when playing as a Beta Red class
- Updated Enforcer’s Riot Shield anims to provide more protection when firing
- Speed nerf when running with Enforcer’s Riot Shield
- Speed nerf when running with Engineer’s Toolbox
- Updated Engineer’s buildings
- Inventory is hidden when you initially fabricate, then revealed when you place your building
- Medkit rescripted
- Tickets show as red when you spend them
- Added a confirmation prompt when purchasing classes Discord
- Added a setting to disable the Ticket UI and Damage Indicators Discord
- Crouching anim improved
- You can choose your starter class in the lobby
- New PS commands
- :hero <bulwark/vanguard>
- :disabledummyspawns / :enabledummyspawns
- :disablenoobspawns / :enablenoobspawns
- :setnoobspawns <true/false>
- :setdummyspawns <true/false>
- :setdifficulty <0-infinity>
- (increases over time too, if set to 0 which is default, also does not reset each round so you have to manually reset it)
- :skipmatch
- :settime / :extendmatch
- :toggleaprilfools <true/false>
- createNPC command now has an amount Discord
- syntax “:createNPC team npcName amount”