[TAKEN DOWN] How to create a Discord - ROBLOX Member Counter / Includes Repl.it and API Hosts

I know you guys loved things like this, but… I haven’t kept this thing up because it did infact abuse the ROBLOX API! I didn’t want to abuse the tools given to us or get in any trouble.

When I find some motivation and time, I’ll happily re-make this but in a nicer less abusive way.

I’m very sorry for those who wanted to use this tool, the REPL was also deleted!


Discord is not a logging service and this is API abuse. I would strongly advise against using this or similar bots.


This is not exactly API abuse. As Discord has said, this is a grey area for them. They usually won’t take any action as long as you follow the ratelimit headers. But I would still not recommend you to do this.


What do you guys mean by this?

Discord did not say it was a gray area. It seems pretty clean-cut:

Better, more accessible, more powerful tools that are actually intended for logging exist. Just use one of them.


My bot isn’t online- can you help me please?

This is not API abuse because it doesn’t use webhooks! Basically the bot is getting the API abuse here not discord.

I’m not to sure if discord bots spamming is API abuse, but thats saying if I as a user were saying New user every 10 seconds, am I abusing discord, no.

Unless discord bots hook into the discord api to work then I’m wrong.

Are you sure you setup the token part correct, what is shown in the output?

That is indeed how bots work; every website uses an API if it allows external programs to interact with it like that.

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I am pretty sure I have, here is a screenshot of what is showing:

Did you invite the bot to your server?

Yes, i have, i’ve also done all the steps

also you could make it send one message and edit that one instead of sending new ones (for the ones complaining that this is api abuse)

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Few problems here.

  1. Abusive against the discord API as @posatta said. Could result in termination or deletion of your discord account.
  2. Not worth it for a member counter.

I am sure there is an alternative way of checking this, such as requesting the discord invite and scraping the part that says how many members are in a server. This current method is a lot more intensive for discord than it needs to be.


This is really nice, but for users not familiar with JavaScript and Discord.js, they will not be able to figure out how to change the message.

I’d recommend making a way to do this easily for users whether it be a variable with a replace function or a full-on embed customizer.

Here is a simple replace function I made :slight_smile: :

async function replace (msg, count) {
    const replacements = {
      '%COUNT%': count

    return msg.replace(/%\w+%/g, (all) => {
      return typeof replacements[all] !== 'undefined' ? replacements[all] : all
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This is to do with the ROBLOX group members not discord.

Thank you, I will mark this as a solution to make it easier for users to find if they are willing to change it over, just to simplify it.

Multiple users have said this, I’m sorry!

Sorry, I didn’t pay much attention to that, I will change it over when I get some time to update this.

Since its a free thing, its not the top of my priorities as I do also need to totally recode this thing :joy:.

Could you scroll up in the console please, there appears to be another error.