This would definetly be a cool feature, I’ve tried to make groups in the past only to know last minute that it’s been taken.
Bumping this, because not only is not being able to have a similar or same group name as a group with 0 followers for years really frustrating, but sometimes names that don’t have a group associated with it are incorrectly appearing as “taken” (when I have verified they are not).
Abandon groups that aren’t causing harm and are just sitting there abandon with no owner should be eligible to be requested/adopted.
Similar to how reddit allows users to adopt unmoderated subreddits and fandom wikia allows users to adopt wikis with inactive admins Roblox should allow users to request unmoderated groups that aren’t causing harm to users and could be an active group…
This process could be a button that appears on the group when it’s unmoderated and eligible or a new roblox support contact option. The group closed feature has been great in some instances but also a curse on the other side.