Taken Usernames

(Yes I’m aware you can’t reply, just use the poll lol)


People have always want to bring up that they want a taken username.

Usually suggested things are to be able to reuse inactive/terminated, but those don’t hold up.

Instead a reasonable solution would to be like Twitter, where you have a username and a display name.
While yes it would cause problems, it would satisfy many people.
Besides, Roblox (or the user) could choose if a specific person’s display name can NOT be taken (like star creators, big devs, admin names, etc.)

Here is a poll, it basically asks how you feel about your username, example: I dislike my current name the one is taken by an ______ user.

Your POV On Your Username
  • My desired username is taken by an inactive user.
  • My desired username is taken by an active user.
  • I’m happy with my current username.
  • Other

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You should be able to vote now.