Taking Names From A Table To Clone

I want to make the player save their tools after death by getting the names of the tools and putting them on a table. If the player is spawned, it will clone the tools from a folder and, with the help of the table, it will find the tools that need to be cloned and added to the player’s back pack.

I used up all of my brain cells (even though I do not have brain cells anymore XD) to come up with a script in the server script service, but it doesn’t work.

I tried searching on Google and YouTube, but nothing seemed relevant to what I was doing.

local toolfolder =game.ReplicatedStorage.ToolsFolder -- location where the folder of tool is

local toolstored = {} -- tables

		local tableloop = true -- this will prevent loops later on the script
		local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
		for i, toolstored in pairs(toolstored) do
			toolfolder[toolstored]:Clone().Parent = plr.Backpack
			toolfolder[toolstored]:Clone().Parent = plr.StarterGear 
			tableloop = true
			if hum.Health <= 0 then
				if tableloop == true then
					for i, v in pairs(plr.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
						if  v:IsA("Tool") then
							table.insert(toolstored, v.Name)
						tableloop = false
						for index, value in pairs(toolstored) do
							print(index, value)

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You are looping through the table named toolstored, but the v in the for loop is also named toolstored??

I don’t know what em I doin oki my brain quit while making that script

This script would only work if there was one player in the server, add more and you’ll see that every player will respawn with each other’s tools because your using one table for every player.
Also, what happens when you die with tools and then respawn?

I’m going to make the script work for individual players. As for the question, the player will later respawn but without the tool since the script is not working.

I will handle the script that only works for individual players, but for now I’m just having trouble understanding why my script is not cloning the tools from the “tool folder” that the table listed to be cloned (I’m assuming the “table” listed the names of the tools).

Similarly like what @dmksa123 ,

You cannot set the v in the for loop as the same name as the table’s name itself. Just simply change it:

for i, tool in pairs(toolstored) do

Also for handling with individuals, I suggest you add a table within a table for each person. So add a table inside the toolstored table. As of now, each player are getting the same tool??

May I ask about the table within the table for each person and how it works? And to answer your question, no, whatever that player had recently in their backpack will reappear in their backpack when they respawn. My aim here is to do something that is similar to “keepInventory” from Minecraft… if you know that game.

I get this now. I have updated the script.

The table for each person means that for every player that joins, you create a table as a value for the toolstored table and the key being the player, so that each player has seperate tool saves.
Humanoid.Died is an event that you could use over healthchanged if your only detecting if a player dies. One more thing im confused on is why are you using a table loop bool, and then clearing the entire table?

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I noticed that the table was doing loops until the player has respawned. I can tell because I looked at my output.

I have only 2 tools in the backpack

By the way, that print came from line 27. I don’t know why line 12 is not printing

One way i’d rewrite your script is

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local ToolsFolder = --path to your tools folder
local ToolSaves = {} --dict for player tools

local function PlayerAdded(player: Player)
   ToolSaves[player] = {}--create a sub table for their inventory
      for _, toolName in ToolSaves[player] do
         local tool = ToolsFolder:FindFirstChild(toolName)
         if tool then
            local newTool = tool:Clone()
            newTool.Parent = player.Backpack

      local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

         table.clear(ToolSaves[player])--clear existing tools

         for _, tool in player.Backpack:GetChildren() do --get tools in backpack
            if not tool:IsA("Tool") then continue end

            table.insert(ToolSaves[player], tool.Name)

         local charTool = char:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") --in case player is equipping a tool while dying
         if charTool then table.insert(ToolSaves[player], charTool.Name) end


for _, player in Players:GetPlayers() do --in case players joined the game before script ran
   task.spawn(PlayerAdded, player)

Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) --remove player save
   if ToolSaves[player] then
      ToolSaves[player] = nil
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local Players = game:GetService("Players")

    local Temp = Instance.new("Folder")
    Temp.Name = p.UserId
    Temp.Parent = script
      if #Temp:GetChildren() > 0 then
        for i,v in pairs(Temp:GetChildren()) do
          v.Parent = p.Backpack
        for i,v in pairs(p.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
         v:Clone().Parent = script:WaitForChild(tostring(p.UserId))

should i ignore the orange line?

Hover over the orange line with your cursor and see what it says


That shouldn’t be possible, since Backpack is the explicit name for the folder used in storing tools for a player. I’m not sure why it’s warning but you should try running the game and seeing what happens.

It is working. It copies the names of the tools, then finds them in a folder, clones them, and finally it is parented to the player’s backpack.