Talent Hub application page return to 404 almost every time

This following happen when messaging somewone, like if you have multiple applications for exemple you open 10 there atleast 3 chance of 10 it happen.


Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/talent/jobs/5639396938973032/messages?selectedApplicationId=6246747599804247

Browser Information:
Opera GX

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Supplement Behavior:
Mostly happen after a no conversation selected message

Hey, there were some indexing issues a couple weeks back on Talent Hub, can you check if this is still happening for you? We made some fixes in the mean-time to address this, but given that you posted this 6 days ago, it might be an unrelated issue.

Yes when accepting an application message i got the following:

When refreshing i end with the following:

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Thanks for reporting, we’ve made some recent improvements for the talent hub that hopefully help with page load issues like this. Please let us know if issue persists.

This is still happening, almost sitewide, I can’t even see most jobs because it ends in a 404.

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