Talent Hub filters DevForum links

Reproduction Steps
Simply include a DevForum link when applying for a job to reproduce the issue.

Expected Behavior
I expect the link to go through normally so that it can be used to determine whether I should be considered for the job.

Actual Behavior

This. This.

The filter is absolutely detrimental to me getting a job on the DevForum. Not only can I not include any sort of portfolio, but I also cannot provide other crucial information such as prices.

Additionally, the wall of tags comes of as unprofessional and usually leads to a denial of the application.

There are no workarounds unless you bypass the filter.

Issue Area: Talent Hub
Page URL: talent.roblox.com
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly


Actually, I believe there’s a workaround. I might be wrong, but here’s what you should do instead.

I’ll use this bug report post’s link as an example.

Instead of using this:

Use this:


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Sorry for the bump. For future users, the reply is correct in that using the short thread link https://devforum.roblox.com/t/1716202 is our recommended way to share devforum links on talent hub.

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I just think that it’s odd that the talent hub is even filtered at all, when the devforum isn’t and has the same criteria to join.

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