Talent Hub Revamp


My name is James (@TheUnderratedDev), I am a UI Designer and I’ve made a few remakes of some Roblox pages on the website and I’ve just finished a Talent Hub revamp.


(Comparison with the real website)

Just a little design.

Kinda better UX with the posts being bigger, fitting in more of the job’s description and the compensation description, and having filters just right below the search bar.

Any button that has an arrow pointing downwards (:arrow_down_small:) right beside the text, means that is also a dropdown menu.

I could create an actual prototyped Talent Hub website that’s functional but kinda having issues with fonts in Adobe XD.

Posts in this design


Applications I use for UI
  • Figma (Used to create this revamp)
  • Adobe XD

If you’d like to see even more remakes of the Roblox website, check out my portfolio Here
(Scroll down until you see a “UI” hidden detail → Scroll past the Studio UIs and there you go!)

I forgot to change the title of the second post in my remake, don’t mind it.


I actually really like this design. We can only hope that the current talent hub changes. While it is fine, I feel like this is better, because of the job description and compensation. Overall great job. :smiley:


This looks AWESOME! I do think the x hours ago should be farther away from the side of the job post. You should fill out a support ticket for this idea.

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