Talent Hub Says Name is Innapropiate?

Hi, while I was looking at my Talent Hub page, I noticed that my Roblox Name had a warning icon next to it. It says, “This content has been removed from search for rule violations. Please update it so that it doesn’t break the Talent Hub rules.” It is saying this next to my nickname for some reason. Here is an image of the warning symbol.


Someone please tell me what to do because I don’t want that there.

This doesn’t mean that your username is breaking the rules, it means that something in your creator page is. Can you either link or take a screenshot of it so we can find the problem?

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Heres the link: My Creator Page - Talent Hub (roblox.com)

Heres some images

i think its the webhook thing to be honest

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I think the word “Discord” and the link in the webhook buidling section are causing this.

I removed them, but it is still there.

You can’t link off-platform stuff so yea probs.

I’d give moderation some time so they can verify it again.

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It’s most likely the word “discord”. I’ve seen another post about this, and I pointed it out.

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I thought I saw something last year about not allowing the name Roblox in anything new.
Anything that had it already in the description was fine but it’d get flagged on new stuff.

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