TalentHub Moderation

Everyone knows that TalentHub moderation isnt exactly the best. I was waiting FOUR DAYS for one of my examples to be reviewed on TalentHub, only for it to say that the content has been moderated… Now, TalentHub doesn’t tell you whats been moderated, rather it forces you to search through and delete anything that could potentially be moderated like, seriously? Making me delete works that may not even be moderated just for the off chance that it changes it - not to add that you have to wait even MORE time to for it to get reviewed for the 2nd time.

Now, this wouldn’t be an issue - if I could actually delete the image. When I press delete and save it just says “invalid role”. I don’t know how i’m expected to delete it when it physically wont let me. The entire platform seems flawed to me. Anyone got any remedies?


Yea just give up on the talent hub :laughing: I don’t really see it getting better any time soon to be quite honest and the posts that people put up on the talent hub are legit just a joke with the payment compared to what the person wants someone to do and then the portfolio system sucks as well.

For example you can’t even add off-site links which is annoying because if you for example want to make your own website based portfolio on a custom domain you can’t add it to your talent hub which is just annoying as.


Been hung up on doing that for a while now, think it might actually be the time to do that. It’s a complete and utter joke.

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The thing is also that loads of feedback has been given in regards to the talent hub and only a tiny amount of it has been even implemented. I just see no real hope for it until a few years time or something.

Issue that arises behind that is that when people ditch TalentHub, they don’t know where else to go to get commissions. TalentHub is probably the most accessible.

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I personally get commissions from the HD Discord server but yea I get where you are coming from.

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