When opening Creator Hub - Talent, the page has an inconsistent loading success rate. Based on manual refreshes, the page loads correctly only 67% of the time.
Steps to reproduce
- Open a browser (Chrome in this case)
- Go to Creator Hub - Talent
- Refresh the page multiple times.
Success: 67
An error occurred: 13
Not qualified: 19
Error 503: 1
Tests: 100
Failed to load:
Not qualified:
Browser information
Chrome [ 126.0.6478.8 / 16 May 2024 ]
Javascript: Enabled
Cookies: Enabled
Third-party cookies: Enabled
System information
Intel(R) Core™ i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
Base speed: 2.80 GHz
Sockets: 1
Cores: 4
Logical processors: 8
Virtualization: Enabled
L1 cache: 256 KB
L2 cache: 1.0 MB
L3 cache: 6.0 MB
Utilization 10%
Speed 3.55 GHz
Up time 0:19:21:39
Processes 227
Threads 2940
Handles 99949
GPU 0:
Intel(R) HD Graphics 630
Driver version:
Driver date: 5/24/2023
DirectX version: 12 (FL 12.1)
Physical location: PCI bus 0, device 2, function 0
Utilization 1%
Dedicated GPU memory
Shared GPU memory 0.2/4.0 GB
GPU Memory 0.2/4.0 GB
Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/talent/inbox