/talent/inbox has 2/3 chance of loading correctly

When opening Creator Hub - Talent, the page has an inconsistent loading success rate. Based on manual refreshes, the page loads correctly only 67% of the time.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a browser (Chrome in this case)
  2. Go to Creator Hub - Talent
  3. Refresh the page multiple times.


Success: 67
An error occurred: 13
Not qualified: 19
Error 503: 1
Tests: 100



Failed to load:

Not qualified:

Browser information

Chrome [ 126.0.6478.8 / 16 May 2024 ]
Javascript: Enabled
Cookies: Enabled
Third-party cookies: Enabled

System information

Intel(R) Core™ i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz

Base speed:	2.80 GHz
Sockets:	1
Cores:	4
Logical processors:	8
Virtualization:	Enabled
L1 cache:	256 KB
L2 cache:	1.0 MB
L3 cache:	6.0 MB

Utilization	10%
Speed	3.55 GHz
Up time	0:19:21:39
Processes	227
Threads	2940
Handles	99949

GPU 0:
Intel(R) HD Graphics 630

Driver version:
Driver date:	5/24/2023
DirectX version:	12 (FL 12.1)
Physical location:	PCI bus 0, device 2, function 0

Utilization	1%
Dedicated GPU memory	
Shared GPU memory	0.2/4.0 GB
GPU Memory	0.2/4.0 GB

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/talent/inbox


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

Hi this error message indicates that you getting throttled by our cloud provider for excessive network requests to our service. If this persists please try using Talent Hub without a VPN if you are using one. Otherwise feel free to open a new ticket or DM me with a network request snapshot and I can triage a bit more.


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