Talk to me about lag?

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    ~ A smooth playing experience for every player.

  2. What is the issue?
    ~ Players reporting lag to the point of unplayable.

  3. What solutions have you thought of so far?
    ~ Well. This is where I get stuck because… I don’t know.

Please note: I have the technical knowledge of a walnut so please feel free to talk to me like I’ve never even seen a computer before.

I’ve spent the last few days scouring the forum from top to bottom, googling all sorts, and pulling my entire game apart loading each part of it back in separately (publishing each time) to see if I can pinpoint when it gets super laggy.
I can not.

Part of that problem is, none of my devices really show any lag, apart from a supremely old kindle that in reality lags just unlocking the screen so it’s not the most reliable test subject.

I’ve read about content streaming (which is on automatically anyway), I’ve read about checking scripts for memory leaks which I have someone doing now but we’re not really finding anything there.

I’ve turned off cancollide on a whole bunch of stuff, removed cast shadow where possible.

I’m currently going through removing as many parts as I can as I read that can help, but I heard unions can actually be worse so also trying to avoid those.

I have ZERO blender experience but plan to try and start making some basic meshes, although I heard meshes can also be a problem with triangles or something?

My game is like, realistic style which I understand can be more laggy in general, but I’ve also seen games on Roblox where the entire map is an enormous forest stuffed full of trees and forest floor growth and waterfalls and all sorts and they have no lag?

What am I doing wrong?
Where can I find any sort of actual numbers that could help me see what’s causing issues?

I have this thing which may indicate I have too many parts in the game but the game’s only like half finished in terms of decorating which is going to whack the part count WAY up still…

I also have this thing (where the ping shows as two completely different numbers so idk what that’s about?) but I don’t really understand it. This is from my computer (MacBook Air).

This is what I get on my garbage kindle.

From reading the forum I gather my untracked memory is really high? But it was already over 800mb with a brand new empty baseplate…

I’m completely stressing out and rapidly losing motivation to bother going any further because the game as-is is unplayable, it’s still only half finished, and there’s no point me adding anything else to it if it’s just going to make the lag even worse.

Please help me :frowning:

Here is the game if anyone feels taking a look might be beneficial.

I’ve played your game, and it seems like the lag could be coming from the amount of foliage there is in the forest and the amount of particle effects there are. Also, something you could change to make the game less laggy is to lower StreamingTargetRadius in the workspace, which makes things that are away from the character not load.

I appreciate that, thank you :slight_smile:

So, I appreciate that sacrifices have to be made, and I’m still going through trying to strip out things that I can maybe live without, but…

How are these massive games full of realistic forest with animations and particles and just, stuff EVERYwhere managing it?

This is how I have the streamything set at the moment, is there anything here I should change?

I’m still trying to get anything else I can to lose shadows and collide in box setting if I need it to collide at all but I feel like I’m running round tidying up milliseconds of lag when I need to be cleaning up minutes-worth (not quite, but you get my point, I hope).