Tamurou LR Handbook

:rice_ball: Tamurou’s LR Handbook

:dango: “A Taste of Tradition”
Welcome to the official LR handbook for Tamurou! This Low Rank guide will briefly go over the important details you are required to establish whilst working at Tamurou. If you have any questions regarding this guide, feel free to reach out to a member of the Presidential Team in our Communications Server linked on our Roblox group.

As a Low Rank at Tamurou, you are all required to follow a set of guidelines to ensure that your careers within our establishment are well put-together, as well as ensuring that your ability to make customer’s satisfaction is granted. Please take the time and consideration to read amongst this guide to ensure that you are performing to the best of your ability at all times.


Below are a set of guidelines that are able to help ensure that a high standard of work is being performed at all times. These guidelines will help you succeed within your career at Tamurou, so please ensure that you take the time to read over them thoroughly.

  • Whilst working within our community, you are required to show a high level of professionalism at all times. This can include being with any friends at the time period of working, or even at another group that is allied with Tamurou. If you are caught stepping out of line and showing a lack of professionalism, you will be punished. The way that you perform overall ahs an impact on the group, so please keep that in mind.

  • Grammar is not required at all times. Although it is not required, this does not exemplify the level of professionalism that is required to be shown throughout working within Tamurou. If you are caught lacking a state of professionalism within any of our facilities, you will be punished accordingly.

  • Whilst working, please ensure that you have a set script of what you are required to say. This can include your greeting, asking where the customer would like to sit, what they would like to order and so onwards. By having a script written down digitally or physically, it can improve the way that you perform during your shifts. By writing down what you are required to say, it can show off your level of work, and can put a positive impact on Tamurou.

  • Please keep in mind that you are required to attend a training session before you are eligible of working as a staff member. This way, you are able to be professionally trained on how to perform during working properly, to ensure that you are fully confident with your job. If you have any inquiries about training schedules, please direct them to a member of our Leadership Team.

  • If you are looking to be promoted, ensure to refer to our Public Handbook . Within our handbook, it features several sections of information, such as our Code of Conduct, how to be promoted from LR to MR, the descriptions of certain ranks and so onwards. By taking the time to read through several of our guides, you are able to attain a large amount of important information about Tamurou. Some of which may aid your success within our group.

Training Schedule

Training sessions are hosted at the times listed below. Please join about 15 minutes before the training begins or before the session is full and/or slocked. Trainings are held daily by our MR team. If you need assistance, ask in our communications server or notify us on the group wall.

To Be Decided

Please bear in mind that there’s always a chance a session may not be hosted for various reasons. If a session isn’t posted by XX:00, please assume it won’t be hosted and is cancelled.

Presidential Team

Presidential Team

President, kizaqs
Vice Presidents, @jvttzc and @CalixxChann
Presidential Assistants, SCARED2REBIRTH, barbiedrafts, adwvored

We invite you to embark on a journey with Tamurou as Staff, where the elegance and tranquility of the Japanese tea ceremony are brought to life. Whether you are a historian, a cultural enthusiast, or someone seeking a moment of peace, Tamurou offers a space to connect with the rich heritage of Japan.

Tamurou Leadership