Tank battle project started

This time I am showing a new project I’m working on, its a tank battle game in wich you can customize it as you wish.
Change the gun, the turret, the hull and the tracks.

Actually I made some parts, I tooked those screens for you:

The turretz:

That’s all about the builds, now a video of the menu I am working on:

I hope you liked it bye !!

If the game-play is as good as those models, this will be AMAZING! Nice work!

Hell yeah !!

The only problem is I don’t know how to script… the GUI and some little things yes, but that game… no :frowning:
I am learning for now.

<3 dat forcefield

LOVE the menu.

Hah! I also used that blewp sound in a menu I made once! Looking pretty swish so far, good luck with it :smiley:

Dat box tank dough. Much hard to kill.

Really cool!

I really love the models. Looks interesting :wink: