Tank track beam attachment rotating opposite

I am trying to make a tank track using beams. Ive almost got my desired outcome exept for one thing. The beam rotates opposite of the desired direction. Here is a video showcasing the problem:

Here is the section of code responsible for alligning the attachments:

if v:IsA("Attachment") then

				if v.Name == "BeamAtt" then

					v.WorldCFrame = v.Parent.CFrame - Vector3.new(0,1.7,0)
					v.WorldOrientation = Vector3.new(0,-Seat.Parent.PrimaryPart.Orientation.Y,-90)
				elseif v.Name == "BeamAtt1" then

					v.WorldCFrame = v.Parent.CFrame + Vector3.new(0,2.1,0)
					v.WorldOrientation = Vector3.new(0,-Seat.Parent.PrimaryPart.Orientation.Y,-90)
				elseif v.Name == "BeamAtt2" then
					v.WorldCFrame = v.Parent.CFrame + Vector3.new(0,1.3,0)
					v.WorldOrientation = Vector3.new(0,-Seat.Parent.PrimaryPart.Orientation.Y,-90)
				elseif v.Name == "BeamAtt3" then -- The beam rotating the opposite direction
					v.WorldOrientation = Vector3.new(0,-Seat.Parent.PrimaryPart.Orientation.Y,-90)
					v.WorldPosition = Vector3.new(v.Parent.Position.X, v.Parent.Position.Y,v.Parent.Position.Z-1.8)
				elseif v.Name == "BeamAtt4" then

					v.WorldCFrame = v.Parent.CFrame + Vector3.new(0,0,1.8)
					v.WorldOrientation = Vector3.new(0,-Seat.Parent.PrimaryPart.Orientation.Y,-90)
					--v.WorldOrientation = Vector3.new(0,-Seat.Parent.PrimaryPart.Orientation.Y,-90)



Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried fiddling with the world orientation values?

Yep. Through doing so ive found out that the worldorientation does not dictate which way the attachment rotates.

General question why do you use worldposition for it and not worldcframe like the other ones?

Try setting it with the parents cframe again maybe?

I was just messing around with it. It did not seem to help though. Setting world position or world cframe does not change anything.

Setting it to world cframe or world position has no effect on the rotation.