when turning left the right track will speed up while the left track will slow down causing the tank to turn left. same but opposite for turning right
try making them move in oposite directions when turning. Like when turning right, the left wheels rotate forward and the right wheels go backward
thats really what it does
when you arent moving forward or backwards (holding a or d) the tracks move in different directions
if you are moving forward and turning left the left tracks get divided by 2 but no moving in different directions
so i got it to work where on track will move smoothly but the other track wont move at all (this is standing still and turning)
the turning works but its not smooth and you also move a little bit forward
got it to work after messing around with the values
E z fix
don’t use roblox physics engine and animate all the parts yourself
save yourself all those issues!
can we see a video of it working
The values of what? Be a bit more detailed so the next person looking for this solution will know how to solve the problem please.