tracks connected through a hinge constraint connected to the front wheel, and another part connected to one track piece and those two connected with a prismatic constraint
Has this worked for you before? I have never worked with tanks but i would assume smaller wheels need to rotate faster than big ones to keep up with the same distance covered.
nothing is wrong with the movement its just the wheels will shake while on top of the tracks. like in the video you saw the tracks moving up and down very fast sometimes going into the ground
Have you tried increasing the restitution on the hinges between the tracks? Let it give a little so that they arent as harsh against each other…maybe will soften the movement.
One more idea…it might be the ratio of how much slower the other side rotates when making a turn… maybe try a slightly different speed for turns and see if improves or worsens? Adjust accordingly
I see… sorry im trying to think of what else it could be. At this point, and im sure uve done this, would be to go one by one thru the constraints and make sure none have anything enabled or ticked that shouldnt. Since u did this before on another model u know that even one constraint acting incorrectly will make your whole tank jitter.
i think that might be a physics issue. Instead why dont you try making the tracks spin in opposite directions when turning? I think thats how they work irl.