Targetted by DDoSer / Exploiters

One method that could work is having two places: A primary, staging area, and then a secondary place. The primary place would only have 1 player per server, and would just teleport anyone with a high enough account age to the correct server. It’s a lot of work though and means it is difficult for people to join on their friends!

Other than that, no - you can’t do anything about it unfortunately. Once the user gets your IP (which as soon as they connect to that game instance they can) it’s game over. It is illegal to boot servers though, so you could report them to your local Cyber crime unit if you know who is doing it - they’re quite active on chasing people down who cause significant damage.


I don’t think you can do anything about this situation other than contacting roblox staff, or closing your game for a longer time.

15 days isn’t enough, Try at least 3+ months.

Higher age limits (or age limits in general) do very little to prevent baddies and generally cause more harm to your playerbase - especially in the long term.


I feel it wouldn’t do anything to report a roblox profile to a local cyber crime unit. They would most likely just direct me to roblox. And when I went to roblox they literally told me to report the account which would take months for the account to be banned and they will just get on a new account

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1 player servers and everything th player does gets replicated to all the servers seems like kind of a far fettch but a small game like yours can work wih messagingservice so yeah thats my cue

Btw you said you had no clue where this goes, i would say development discussion, but i honestly dont know and either way people will do ANYTHING go get discussion posts taken down.

Your best bet is to just ignore them,
if you’re trying to stop them in every way possible way and its not working, then they’re getting joy out of it (which ik sounds sick but is true).
its proven bu social engineering that is nothing works, ignore them as them targetting you is pointless, and if you ignore it then you dont care and they know that, meaning that they’ll stop.

I am almost certain you are mistaken. I highly doubt your servers are the target of a denial of service attack. While yes, packet sniffing programs like Wireshark can retrieve the IP address of your servers, I think it would be unreasonable to assume that Roblox doesn’t have any sort of DDOS protection here, especially given the problem you are experiencing isn’t widespread.

It’s also worth pointing out that you have implied banning their accounts does work, but they will simply create other accounts. I am convinced that if this was truly a DDOS attack, creating more accounts would simply be unnecessary. They could get the server IP before you even get a chance to think about kicking them out of the game with a ban script.

I have never noticed any of DDOS attack happen to my games, and as far as I am concerned, top games like Adopt Me are bigger targets and there haven’t been any suspicions of that happening in their servers.

At the end of the day what you are describing sounds like an exploiter taking advantage of a vulnerability in your game. This can be a backdoor of sorts or they could be abusing remote events. It’s also possible they are doing something like this, where exploiters were able to take advantage of a right grip replication vulnerability. This has been patched by Roblox a while ago, but again while unlikely, it’s possible something like this is going on.

No, it is not a backdoor, it is not a script. It is a literal DOS attack. It does happen on the bigger games but they have more servers so its not as noticeable. There is literal proof that they’re DDoS attacks that you can do on any roblox game on youtube, they aren’t hard to make. And banning accounts works because they love to talk ingame before they do it. If they didnt want to talk all they would have to do is join the game and get the IP, but they don’t they love to talk before they do it.

Please read the replies before coming in and accusing me of being mistaken.

There is literal proof that they’re DDoS attacks that you can do on any roblox game on youtube, they aren’t hard to make.

Do you mind linking me an example or two of this?

A simple youtube search works fine, Sorry about the bad audio (swears)

Don’t think there’s much you can do here unfortunately. The way Roblox is structured (when it comes to things such as alternate accounts and game settings) makes these types of situations both common and easy.

The only real solution that comes to mind is getting in contact with someone at Roblox and seeing if you can launch a police investigation through them - although I doubt it’s effectiveness.

Best of luck dealing with this

I emailed their support email and they really hit me with the
“Please read our last email where it says, please report the accounts so our moderators can look into it, as we do not provide help for third party systems”

Had the chance to look at those videos. If I am being completely honest I don’t know how legit those videos are (not that you are lying to me but I don’t know how deceptive they are or whatnot). That being said, assuming what they’re doing in the videos is legit, there’s absolutely nothing you can do about this. You should create a new thread in #platform-feedback, because this doesn’t really have anything to do with scripting.

But yeah, banning accounts in this case won’t really help you at the end of the day. They can still get the IP right away. Personally speaking, I really doubt this is what is going on at the end of the day. It’s just not widespread enough, and given Roblox has been up for so many years, I would be almost positive in saying they have taken steps to prevent against this.

Again, if this is truly happening from DDOS attacks, there’s nothing you can do yourself. Reach out in #platform-feedback or Developer Relations. Best of luck.

Did you even watch the baseplate video??? But yeah hoping this thread will just make a mod or staff look at it and make a decent reply.

Edit: It is widespread to small developers, there is a thread that got linked to me in dev discussion which shows more threads about the issue:

I watched all the videos, I see what they are doing. I just don’t know how legit it is, especially with how sketchy these programs they are using are. They’re all doing the same thing, they just go about it differently. They’re getting the server’s IP and port through either logs on their file system or through programs like Wireshark. They are taking the information and adding it to sketchy programs which are supposedly botnet controllers.

Again, you won’t find much help in this category though, this is meant for things related to scripting. What you have been describing is an engine problem, not a scripting problem. Add this to engine bugs.

Support isn’t the best unfortunately. Maybe try reaching someone higher (ie. contacting devrel)?

Do you mind letting me know how to?

This is illegal and he/she can be taken to jail.

Not the best at utilizing the forums unfortunately but I believe there’s an account you can message to get to them directly?