Task.Wait() completely stopping all code except for tweens?

So pretty much putting any sort of task.wait() inside of this codes seems to stop all other code that comes after it from running other than the tweens. The GUI object isn’t being disabled. I am running this exact same code in the same function inside of a different else and it works perfectly fine. If it makes a difference, I am changing the characters model before I teleport them.

In the code below, 4 is being printed but 5 isn’t even though the GUI is being tweened

                MainHUD.Enabled = false	

				local Tween = TweenService:Create(GUIFade, e, {BackgroundTransparency = 0})
				local Tween2 = TweenService:Create(GUIFade, ee, {BackgroundTransparency = 1}

				OverPlayers = Number				
				SurvivorHUD.Enabled = true			
				SurvivorCount.Text = tostring(Number.. "/".. OverPlayers)	

Tweens play asynchronously so thts why tehy aren’t being yeilded.


But the second tween shouldn’t be playing until after the task.wait(1)

That doesn’t explain why the rest of the code isn’t working though?