Hello! I’m experiencing a problem where a coroutine yields / doesn’t complete occasionally, which has caused the bool value running
to get stuck. Here’s a snippet:
print(state.Parent.Name, state.Value, running.Value, Tick)
if state.Value == false and running.Value == false then
running.Value = true
for _,Engine in pairs(Engines) do
Engine[string.sub(state.Parent.Name, 1, 1).."DoorClose"]:Play()
warn("A", Tick)
warn("B", Tick)
Network:FireAllClients(self.train, false, Side)
warn("C1", Tick)
local CloseTime = DoorFolder.Config.Close.Time.Value
warn(CloseTime, Tick)
warn("C", Tick)
state.Parent.Value = DoorFolder.Config.Close.Value
running.Value = false
print(Tick, "[DoorHandler]", running.Parent.Parent.Name, running.Value)
warn("D", Tick)
Prints and warns are present for debugging purposes and here’s a resulting screenshot:
Please note that the “Static Tick” is debugged as the coroutine is called many times and sometimes it’s a hit or miss. The code snippet is lines 52-73
Thank you!